Yograj Singh Nearly Shot Kapil Dev: In a recent interview with Yograj Singh on ‘Unfiltered with Samdish’, a show on YouTube, Yograj Singh, father of Yuvraj Singh, goes literally unfiltered while making a bewildering remark on former India captain Kapil Dev, stating he went to the former’s skipper’s house to kill him. In crystal clear words, he said that he wanted to shoot Kapil Dev after being dropped from the North Zone team by Kapil Dev and Bishan Singh Bedi.
While this happened, it was also caught on camera and went instantly viral on social media. Kapil Dev’s reaction to this claim, when being asked if the incident was true, was that Kapil Dev remained coy and asked back, ‘Who is Yograj Singh?’. When the reporters clarified that Yograj was Yuvraj’s father, Kapil Dev turned back to the reporter without replying to the question.
Yograj Singh Nearly Shot Kapil Dev for Dropping Him From the Team
Yograj had claimed that he took a gun to Kapil Dev’s house wanting to kill the former all-rounder.
“When Kapil Dev became captain of India, North Zone, and Haryana, he dropped me for no reason,” he said.
My wife (Yuvi’s mother) wanted me to ask Kapil questions. I told her that I would teach this bloody man a lesson. I took my pistol out, and I went to Kapil’s house in Sector 9. He came out with his mother. I abused him a dozen times. I told him because of you I have lost a friend, and what you have done, you will pay for it.
“I told him, ‘I want to put a bullet through your head, but I am not doing it because you have a very pious mother, who is standing here.’ I told Shabnam, ‘Let’s go.’
Yograj said that he was hurt by Kapil Dev’s selection call and wanted to leave cricket after that.
In the interview, Yograj Singh disclosed that he did not kill Kapil Dev since the latter’s mother was with him on that particular day.
Yograj disclosed that he made the decision to quit playing cricket after being dismissed from the North Zone, purportedly as a result of politics involving Kapil Dev and Bishan Singh Bedi. Yograj claimed that because of his close connection with Sunil Gavaskar, the senior players abandoned him.
Yograj further disclosed that he had made fun of Kapil Dev by saying that “his son” had won a World Cup following India’s victory in the 2011 ODI World Cup. In a different segment of the podcast, Yograj made fun of Kapil Dev by saying that he couldn’t conceive a son.
“In 2011, when India won the World Cup, there was only one guy who was crying, and it was Kapil Dev. I did send him a paper cutting that my son did better than you in the World Cup,” he added.
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