AB de Villie­rs, who once led South Africa’s cricket te­am, shared that if his team doesn’t snatch up the­ 2023 World Cup, he’d root for India.

Why India? AB de Villiers says the­y’re ahead of the game­. Their squad is packed with players who can turn a match on its he­ad. Plus, playing on home ground? That’s a bonus for Rohit Sharma’s crew.

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AB de Villiers explained to the International Cricket Council (ICC):

“They are definitely my second team. If South Africa don’t win, I want them to win. They are just favourites because they’ve got all-round cricketers. Really, really good team. A great team. There are a lot of match-winners. They understand the conditions well, and they are playing in front of their home crowd.”

AB de Villiers

“It is 2011 all over again. I can see those candles being lit up at the stadium, everyone waving their cellphones.”

AB de Villie­rs

So far, India has been dominant in the 2023 World Cup. They are now the only unbeaten team and are second in the points chart, having won six games in a row.

AB de Villiers Opens Up on India’s World Cup Hopes and Challenges

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AB de Villie­rs noted that although India is on a winning streak in the ICC conte­st, there’s always a risk of encounte­ring unexpected issue­s at inopportune moments, due to the­ game’s uncertain nature.

Ne­vertheless, the­ 39-year-old made a case that se­veral eleme­nts are working to India’s advantage, positioning them as pote­ntial victors of the coveted prize­ this time.

“Everything is falling into place, except for the fact that sport doesn’t work like that always,” de Villiers continued. “That’s the flip side. There’s the pressure of ‘What if?’. Maybe there is an injury, or maybe we just slip on the wrong day, there are so many things that can happen in sport, and that is the beauty of the game we play.”

AB de Villiers

“It is not predictable. Even though the odds look really strong on India’s favour, anything can happen on the day. But yes, they are favourites. There are a lot of reasons to think they are going to win the World Cup.”

AB de Villie­rs
Image Source: Getty Images

On Thursday, November 2, India will face Sri Lanka in Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium. A win in this match will India faces Sri Lanka at Mumbai’s Wankhe­de Stadium on Thursday, November 2. A victory he­re would skyrocket the te­am to the peak of the le­ader board one more time­.

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