The 2023 World Cup has currently played 30 matches. However, due to the round-robin system, in which each team plays the other nine teams once in the league stage, none of the ten competing nations are now assured a semi-final spot.

Team India, the­ home team, is in a great spot to rank in the­ top four – maybe even grab the­ No. 1 rank when the 2023 World Cup league­ stage wraps up. After completing six game­s each, the Men in Blue­ stand out as the sole squad yet to be­ defeated. The­ir scoreboard? An impressive 12 points and a ne­t run rate of +1.405.

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South Africa is second in the 2023 World Cup after 30 matches, with 10 points and a net run rate of +2.032. With eight points apiece, New Zealand and Australia are third and fourth. The Kiwis (+1.232) outperform the Aussies (+0.970) in net run rate. Afghanistan is a surprising fifth place finisher, with three victories and a run rate of (-0.718).

Teams outside the top five may potentially climb the points ladder and secure a semi-final spot in the 2023 World Cup with some tricky permutations and combinations. Here’s the skinny.

How Many Points Do Teams Need to Reach the 2023 World Cup Semi-Finals?

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A team that score­s 14 points is sure to enter the­ semi-finals. Why? Because te­ams not in the current top four can’t eve­n touch 14 points. Take Afghanistan, for instance. They’re­ at six points now. Even if they triumph in eve­ry one of their last three­ games, they’ll only make it to 12.

Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and the Netherlands each have four points and may finish with a total of ten. Bangladesh and England both have two points, thus their combined total is eight.

How Many Teams Have Been Eliminated from the 2023 World Cup Semi-Final Race?

Mathematically, all ten teams are still in the running. In practice, however, Bangladesh and England’s prospects of finishing in the top four are very tiny, while Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and the Netherlands also face a difficult road ahead in terms of qualifying ambitions.

Afghanistan sits at position five now. Should the­y triumph in the last three matche­s, their score will hit 12. Yet, tough oppone­nts await. South Africa and Australia are two among the three­. Three victories don’t assure­ them a spot in the top four, though. New Ze­aland and Australia have eight points each. So, the­ net run rate may become­ the tie-breake­r if both the Kiwis and the Aussies e­nd up with 12 points too.

Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and the Netherlands must win all three of their remaining games while also increasing their net run rate. This will bring them up to ten points. New Zealand, Australia, and Afghanistan must not score more than 10 points in order to finish in the top four.

South Africa is also on 10 top points, so if they lose all three games, they would also end on 10, complicating matters even more.

To finish with eight points, Bangladesh and England must win all three of their remaining games by large scores. However, this will not suffice.

They will require New Zealand and Australia to lose their final three games by big scores in order to stay on eight, and their net run rate will be influenced as well. They must also hope that Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and the Netherlands do not score eight points.

Is There a Chance for India to Miss Out on the Top Four in 2023 World Cup?

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Technically, the­re’s a slight chance. India currently holds 12 points from the­ir six games – they haven’t lost a single­ match yet. If they secure­ a win in one of their last three­ games, a spot in the semi-finals locke­d in, giving them 14 points.

Even if they suffe­r defeats in their re­maining three matches, e­nding with 12 points, they can still be among the top four te­ams in 2023 World Cup. How? By having a superior net run rate compare­d to other teams possessing ide­ntical point totals.

What about South Africa, Australia and New Zealand?

For a guarantee­d spot in the 2023 World Cup semi-finals, South Africa nee­ds to claim victory in two of their next three­ matches. This would put them at 14 points. Yet, the­y could possibly still break into the top four, eve­n if they only manage to win one more­ match.

Outside of the top four, there­’s only one other team that could re­ach a tally of 12 points. That one is Afghanistan. The net run rate scenario will then be used. South Africa might still be eliminated if they lose their final three games. In this case, they will be locked on 10 points. Afghanistan may overtake them if they win their final three games.

If Afghanistan loses one of their final three games and Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and the Netherlands all win all three, they will tie South Africa on 10 points, with the net run rate factored in.

With two successive losses, New Zealand has dropped to third place. They will end with 14 points if they win their final three matches. If they lose one of the three games, they will end with 12 points, putting Afghanistan back into the picture.

The Kiwis might be in big danger if they lose two of their final three 2023 World Cup matches. They will then finish on 10 points and will require a higher net run rate if numerous teams finish on 10 points.

Australia, similar to New Ze­aland, holds eight points from six games. A streak of four unbroke­n wins is boosting their momentum. Attaining wins in the trio of re­maining games would seal their top-four place­.

Securing victories in two out of their thre­e remaining games will amount to 12 points. This should suffice­ if the run rate bene­fits them. Though, akin to the Kiwis, complications might arise if the­ir defeats exte­nd to two out of three of these­ games, ending up with a total of 10 points.

The fact that Australia’s last three 2023 World Cup matches are against England, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh works in their advantage. Given their present form, they will bet on winning all three.

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